As a global church fellowship, how can we develop our ability to relate across cultures? Some individuals appear to comfortably slide from one country or culture into another. Increasing our agility for moving across cultural spaces will allow us to learn from each other and collaborate in new ways. Hands-on activities will help people move beyond recognizing stereotypes toward a deeper understanding of who each person is, as “created in the image and likeness of God.” Examining cultural influences will open us to new conversations as we walk together and with God.
Linda Martin Burkholder works for Eastern Mennonite University’s cross-cultural programs and is a member of Community Mennonite Church in Harrisonburg, Virginia, USA. Donald Clymer teaches Spanish and leads cross-cultural seminars for Eastern Mennonite University, Harrisonburg, Virginia. He has graduate degrees in Spanish literature and spiritual formation, and has a passion for connecting spirituality to cross-cultural learning. He is a member of Lindale Mennonite Church in Linville, Virginia.