The Faith and Life Commission enables MWC member churches to receive and provide counsel on Christian faith and practice, as well as on Anabaptist-Mennonite witness in the world today.
This active workshop is especially designed for women keen to build bridges and connections between different backgrounds and ages. The goal will be to listen, to share and exchange, to create more understanding, and then to replicate this activity in participants’ own neigborhoods, churches or communities. This low-key format to do outreach (such as local […]
As a global church fellowship, how can we develop our ability to relate across cultures? Some individuals appear to comfortably slide from one country or culture into another. Increasing our agility for moving across cultural spaces will allow us to learn from each other and collaborate in new ways. Hands-on activities will help people move […]
This workshop focuses on how persons of Christian faith relate to persons loyal to other diverse religions, when all are intent to share, listen and learn in order to enhance respect and understanding while avoiding harm. Time will be given to presentation and discussion of case situations, with special attention to Hinduism, Buddhism, and Sikhism. […]
Worship and celebrating the liturgy can be understood as a public transformational act with political and ecological connotations, a reconstruction of community and restoration of creation. Essential to such an understanding is a broadened view of symbolic representation, including body, remembrance and action. Starting from Alexander Schmemann’s view of the world as sacrament, the workshop […]
In her morning sermon, Rebecca Osiro of Kenya argued that doubt can promote strong conviction. Photo by Jon Carlson Speaking on the day’s theme of “Walking in Doubt and Conviction,” Tom Yoder Neufeld of Canada declared, “The Bible gives witness of God being with us, even in the darkest night.” Photo by Jon Carlson At […]
We will explore our history as “people of the land” settling areas in North America inhabited by Indigenous communities, the original peoples of the land. We will look at theological understandings that have shaped our relationship to the land and relationships with Indigenous Peoples, and explore opportunities for congregations and the broader church to join […]
Mennonite World Conference