Belief, Trust and the Local Church – Wed 15:30

Mennonite Foundation of Canada sponsored the doctoral research of a seminary student, funding ten donor focus groups in churches of seven denominations in Canada. Participants were asked questions based on earlier research done by the Muttart Foundation. Results speak to the importance of trust, connection and shared values and vision. How does financial giving change as wealth and prosperity increases?

Darren Pries-Klassen is executive director of Mennonite Foundation of Canada (MFC) and attends First Mennonite Church in Vineland (MC Canada). Mike Strathdee is stewardship consultant at MFC and attends Breslau Mennonite Church (MC Canada). Sherri Grosz is stewardship consultant at MFC and attends Elmira Mennonite Church (MC Canada).

Why Should I Give To Your Church

Useful Resources (LGReesor research)