Here is the video that was shown in the first worship service of PA 2015
In every part of the world, more and more people have access to mobile technology, internet, and social media. These factors change how we communicate, as in real time we can connect with, support, and pray for brothers and sisters in any part of the world. We will hear stories of how MWC and churches […]
Historical harms abound throughout our world. Too often the impact of group (collective) trauma is not recognized and goes unaddressed. The wounds then come out as cycles of violence against the self or others that get passed down through the generations. What are the hurts and wounds in your community? How are they being addressed? […]
Latinos represent the largest ethnic/racial minority group in the United States. The increases in this population have stirred old anti-immigrant sentiments in communities all across the country. The church often finds itself in the middle of these tensions, trying to respond to the needs of the marginalized while addressing the concerns of the larger population. […]
This seminar will explore the current flowering of Mennonite fiction, poetry, memoir, and other artistic expression. One focus will be on texts and authors that critique, affirm, and, Mennonite Writers1as John Ruth once put it, wrestle with Anabaptist/Mennonite traditions and contemporary realities. Authors and texts from outside the Mennonite sphere also will serve, instruct, and […]
Worship and celebrating the liturgy can be understood as a public transformational act with political and ecological connotations, a reconstruction of community and restoration of creation. Essential to such an understanding is a broadened view of symbolic representation, including body, remembrance and action. Starting from Alexander Schmemann’s view of the world as sacrament, the workshop […]
Worship and celebrating the liturgy can be understood as a public transformational act with political and ecological connotations, a reconstruction of community and restoration of creation. Essential to such an understanding is a broadened view of symbolic representation, including body, remembrance and action. Starting from Alexander Schmemann’s view of the world as sacrament, the workshop […]
What does it mean to be the people of God across cultures? This workshop will include ideas and thoughts from living bi-culturally and figuring out what things like dominance, equality, valuing who you are and where you come from might look like in daily life. We will reflect on what it is like to follow […]
The same heart for God unites across language and culture Carlos Martínez García At the Mennonite World Conference Assembly, prayer was constant. A room – open all day long – was set aside where people could pray for different prayer requests. A 40-foot x by 24-foot world map, courtesy of the Rosedale Mennonite Mission, was […]
Anabaptist women theologians explore global network By Virginia A. Hostetler, with reports by Harriet Sider Bicksler and Elina Ciptadi-Perkins Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA — At Mennonite World Conference (MWC) assembly, 21–25 July 2015, Anabaptist women gathered for the first time to consider forming a global Anabaptist women’s network. In regional sessions, women from Asia, Latin America, […]