Highlights from Friday at PA 2015!
Friday, the 24th of July was a day of surprises! – surprise when the International Ensemble performed JS Bach – surprise with Shantkumar S Kunjam’s engaging quotations like “Hoping to show the world an example of light under the lordship of Jesus Christ…” He was our morning speaker from India who spoke about […]
Assembly called to wrestle with independence and community By Tim Huber HARRISBURG, Pennsylvania, USA – Each person is never alone. They must live in community. Yet each also craves independence and autonomy. Dutch Mennonite pastor and retreat centre host Wieteke van der Molen told Mennonite World Conference assembly attendees 24 July 2015 that since the […]
Speakers call church to a love that acts on behalf of others By Lil Goertzen Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA — “We are here today, celebrating our common Anabaptist faith and our position in the Lord Jesus Christ.” Deacons Commission representative Shantkumar S. Kunjam of India greeted the participants of PA 2015 in the morning plenary 24 […]