Experience again Assembly PA 2015 through the best pictures of the event!
Economic hardship in Spain strengthens faith By Elina Ciptadi-Perkins Judit Menéndez, MWC Global Youth Summit delegate from Spain, shared her church’s story of Walking in Receiving and Giving as her country experiences its worst economic crisis since the civil war in the 1930s. She belongs to the Comunidades Unidas Anabautistas in Burgos, about two hours […]
Applique brings chance meeting of friends of friends from Uruguay, Paraguay, and Pennsylvania By Jewel Showalter Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. – Helena Dueck from Akron, Pennsylvania, was quietly stitching delicate applique in the quilting hall when a young woman asked excitedly, “Are you Helena Dueck?” “Yes, I am,” said Dueck, looking up from her quilt. “How […]
International songs draw participants into worship despite unfamiliarity By Laura Kraybill Worship rises to the rafters as Mennonites and Brethren and Christ join their voices in music from around the world at PA 2015 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Differences exist in theology and culture, yet music is a unifier at world conference, even when it stretches […]
North American women theologians hold inaugural meeting Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA Taking the lead from their African and Latin American sisters who already have well-developed networks of women theologians, almost 50 North American women theologians met for the first time 22 July 2015 at the Farm Show complex in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The meeting was spearheaded by […]
Friday, the 24th of July was a day of surprises! – surprise when the International Ensemble performed JS Bach – surprise with Shantkumar S Kunjam’s engaging quotations like “Hoping to show the world an example of light under the lordship of Jesus Christ…” He was our morning speaker from India who spoke about […]
Behind the scenes at the Global Church Village By Harriet Sider Bicksler A rooster on Skype. A grass hut and miles of Velcro. Baskets and the big five. How did all these seemingly unrelated things come together as part of the Global Church Village? First, the rooster. Vikal Rao from India has served as the […]
Anabaptist Renewal Circles holds annual meeting By Jewel Showalter Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA – More than 100 Anabaptist leaders from around the world gathered at Slate Hill Mennonite Church, Camp Hill, Pa., for the second annual meeting of the Anabaptist Renewal Circles (ARC) 21 July 2015, the day before the evening kick-off of Assembly 16. The […]
Quilting and comforter activities link participants to MCC’s work By Byron Rempel-Burkholder Sushant Nand looks up from one of the Bernini sewing machines at the section of the hall devoted to quilt and comforter-making. A passerby is asking him if he is a tailor by trade. He smiles. “No, I just wanted to learn about […]
Mennonite World Conference